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Degrees and Certifications:
BA Elementary Education and iSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) - The College of New Jersey
Ms. Pearson
🍎 Welcome to Room 7! 🍎
My name is Ms. Pearson and I am THRILLED to be your third grade teacher this year! I am a proud graduate of The College of New Jersey where I obtained my Bachelors in Elementary Education and iSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
I cannot think of a time in my life where I was not around children, volunteering with children, or trying to make a difference in my community. My deepest passion in life is to be an educator that builds a community of children that feel proud of themselves and their accomplishments. I already have a feeling that we will have a LOT to celebrate in our next few months together.
You will accomplish SO much in the next few years at Denbo Crichton Elementary and I am so lucky to be along for the ride with you. I am looking forward to learning and growing with you this year, and getting to know more about what makes you, YOU.
Parents/ Guardians: If you have any questions, concerns, or information that you would like me to know, do not hesitate to reach out. We are a team dedicated to ensuring happiness and success for your child!