Phone: 609-893-8141
Degrees and Certifications:
BS, Business Administration MA, Elementary Education MA, Educational Leadership
Mrs. Tammi T. Hammond
Hi! I am Tammi Hammond. I am excited to be your child's 5th-grade teacher here at Denbo-Crichton Elementary. I love the school and its students! With over 15 years of teaching experience, starting with 4th graders, 2nd graders, and finally, my true love, 5th graders, I am thrilled to have your child in our class. Teaching is not a one-woman show. I teach with a wonderful co-teacher, Ms. Wall and together we make up DCPack P8! I have a great passion for teaching and work hard to engage students in learning through high-energy and hands-on lessons. I believe that every child deserves a chance and a "just right" education that will help them live up to their potential and encourage all students to give it their all when they are in my class. With an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, I caught the teaching bug as I witnessed my child seek, with awe, all the wonders of the world, full of inquisitive questions and wonderment. I decided to continue to work full-time, raise my family, and hit the books. I earned a Master's degree in Elementary Education and never looked back.
On a personal note, I am a self-proclaimed DIY advocate and love to use my many tools and gadgets, turning trash into treasures, remodeling rooms, and taking things apart. All of which my husband loves :( . I love hanging out with my family, going camping, and visiting festivals: food festivals, craft festivals, farm festivals; you name it, I like it!
While this year may be a challenge, I can promise you that I will push your child to do their personal best and ask that you join me to help them be successful.
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. - J. Hull