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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures (Parent drop-off/pick-up)

Denbo-Crichton School Community,


Parents/families have the option, each year, to drop off in the morning and/or pick up in the afternoon.  Please fill out the form below and return it to school if you are interested in participating in the "Everyday Pick-up"program at dismissal. Please note that families must sign up each year and will receive a new family number to display on their dashboard. When entering the pick-up lane, your family number will be highlighted in your child's classroom notifying them to report to the pickup lane.  Please be advised you must have photo identification (have it ready) and be on the pickup list.  Thank you for your patience in the beginning as our staff members get to know our families.

Students, not signed up for the "Everyday Pick-up" program, will be put on their respective bus or van at dismissal.

Everyday Pick-up Form



If parents/guardians require a designated person to escort a walker home, please fill out the form below. K-2 walkers will need a designated person (i.e. older sibling, babysitter, neighbor, etc.).  

Designated Person for Walkers



Please note: eligible walkers may ride their bike to school.  Three things must be done...

1) Parent permission (written note or letter submitted to the main office).

2) Bike riders must have a helmet.

3) Bike riders must have a lock for their bike.


Please review the video above for procedures to follow to insure the safety of our students and staff.  Visuals from the video can be clicked below.

 9:00 - 9:10 AM

Morning Arrival (Parent Drop Off) 

Use Crosswalks Please (Visual Attached)


*Students need to be supervised by a parent/guardian prior to 9:00 AM (car riders and walkers).  Thank you!

*The middle parking lot is only for a parent/guardian to park and walk their child(ren) to the doors.  Please DO NOT use this as an additional drop off location for the safety of all students, parents, and staff.

* Tardy after 9:10 AM and will need to be signed in by a parent at the main office.



3:45 PM

Afternoon Dismissal (Parent Pick Up) 

Use Crosswalks Please (Visual Attached)

*Please notify your child's teacher of a planned early dismissal.

*Our security window will be closed during the last period of the day. (3:00-3:45 PM on regular days; 1:00-1:45 PM on early dismissals).

*"When possible, dismissals should be limited to urgent needs such as dr. appointments and should not occur on a regular basis so that instructional time is preserved." (Handbook page 6)


 Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation to insure the safety of our students and staff.