• PTHS Marching Hornet Band 2024

    Member/Parent Handbook

    This handbook has been written in order to be used as a reference for the students and parents of the PTHS Marching Band when questions about expectations and policy arise. In order to make sure everybody involved has a positive experience and to avoid confusion during the season, we thought it would be helpful to outline our expectations in advance. Be sure to read the entire document thoroughly, as some information has changed. Please feel free to contact Mr. Quattrochi at rquattrochi@pemb.org if there is a question about the Handbook or if something is not adequately explained within it.

    1. General Policies 

    Whenever a student is attending a Marching Band function, he/she is expected to observe all rules and regulations expressed in the school’s Student Handbook.

    1. Attendance 

    Attendance at ALL rehearsals and performances is mandatory. We need to practice and perform as a group and the absence of just one person will affect the entire ensemble. If a student has an unexcused absence from a rehearsal, he/she will not be allowed to participate in the next performance but is still required to attend. If a student misses three performances, he/she will be taken out of the show and will fail the class. Students are expected to remain with the marching band at each event until returning to high school. If a student must be absent from rehearsal or performance due to a family wedding or a death in the family, the absence will be excused. Please notify Mr. Quattrochi by email or in writing of family weddings that conflict with scheduled events by September 1. Other absences may be excused at the discretion of the directors. Birthday parties, concerts, and sporting events are not acceptable excuses. Also, please schedule your regular doctor appointments when there is no marching band function. Participation in the marching band, while primarily an autumn commitment, carries a year-round obligation. All students who join the marching band in the fall are expected to participate in parades as well. Parades are usually scheduled during weekends in March, late May, and June, including Memorial Day.

    1. Uniform 

    The uniform will be kept at and maintained by the high school. At no time should a band or Colorguard uniform go home with a student. Uniforms will be checked out by each student before each performance and turned back in before leaving for the night. The uniform is a symbol of our band and our school. Take pride in your uniform and treat it with respect. Students should always comport themselves in a professional manner while wearing their uniforms. Specific uniform etiquette will be discussed in rehearsal. In addition to the uniform supplied by the school, each musician is required to wear black band shoes with long black socks and black band gloves. The shoes must be black Super Drill Masters. Band shoes must be polished for every performance. They cost approximately $45. Color Guard glovesare the responsibility of the member. Gloves must be kept clean (black) for all performances. Guard Gloves are approx. $20 per pair. Colorguard members will be told what type of shoes to get after the uniform choice is decided by the staff. 

    1. Transportation 

    Students are to be dropped off for all marching band events 15 minutes before they begin and be picked up within 15 minutes of the designated pick-up time. Every effort will be made to have the students contact their parents/guardians when we leave each event. Parents/ guardians will be responsible for getting their child to and from the high school for all weekend and holiday marching band functions. Transportation will be provided for all regular after-school rehearsals. Travel to all away venues will be provided by the school district. Students are required to ride with the band to and from all away events. In emergency situations, members may ride with a parent or guardian if a note is given to the band director. Students will NOT be released for reasons of convenience. Students will not be permitted to drive their own cars. A travel itinerary for the weekend will be issued by every Wednesday rehearsal. 

    1. Rehearsal Attire 

    The following are the requirements for appropriate rehearsal attire: 

    Summer/Hot Weather 

    Wear cross-training athletic footwear only!!! NO All-Stars, VANS, skate shoes, etc. Our marching technique is strenuous on your feet and we don’t want you to get injured due to inappropriate footwear. Marching is an athletic activity, and we will be out in the hot sun; dress appropriately. Wear loose, cool, and lightweight school-appropriate clothing. Bring a HAT to protect your head and face from the sun. Wear SUNSCREEN. Also, bring an insulated WATER BOTTLE/COOLER with a capacity of at least ½ gallon. 

    Fall/Cool Weather 

    Wear cross-training athletic footwear only!!! NO All-Stars, VANS, skate shoes, etc. Dress in layers in order to insulate your body from the cold. Wear a hat in order to keep your body heat from escaping through your head. Most importantly, use common sense in determining what will be comfortable. Also, bring an insulated WATER BOTTLE/COOLER with a capacity of at least ½ gallon. Always be prepared for unexpected cool/cold or inclement weather. We will practice outside in rain/snow or very cold weather. We advise keeping a warm jacket in your locker. 

    1. A Note to Parents/Guardians 

    A minimum of six parents/guardians is necessary to ensure a safe and effective competition day. We need parents/guardians to assist with loading and unloading the equipment truck, moving items onto the field during performances, and establishing an adult presence in the stands following our performance. The members of the marching band appreciate the support of parents and friends, and it shows in the way they perform. We strongly encourage family members and friends to come to competitions and support the band from the stands. It is embarrassing for our children to see large sections of the stands rooting and cheering for other bands but not have the same support from their own friends and family. If you would like to volunteer to help the band in any way, we would appreciate it greatly. If you have not yet been contacted by a Band Booster Club representative, please contact Jamie O’Donnell, the Band Booster Club president, on Facebook messenger @pthsbandboosterclub or email pembertonbandbc@gmail.com.


    Summary of Information 


    Unexcused absence from rehearsal = No performance

    3 missed performances = Removal from the show (no exceptions)

    Schedule appointments to avoid conflict with the Marching Band Schedule



    Respect your uniform – always hang it up properly 

    Always return uniforms at the end of the day 

    Gloves must be kept clean – shoes must remain polished. 



    Arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled start time 

    Arrange for pick up within 15 minutes of return/end time

    Students must ride the bus to and from all away events 


    Rehearsal Attire 

    Wear appropriate athletic footwear (cross-trainers)  

    Be prepared for any type of weather - (warm, cold, rain, etc.) 

    Keep a jacket (or similar) in your band locker 


    To parents/ guardians 

    Please support your children – come to competitions 

    Band Booster Club needs your help!