• Who Are We?

    The following people are our PARCC Organizational Team.  These people are responsible for organizaing testing and act as our liasons to Pearson, the organization that facilitates the PARCC Test interface and web connection.  In addition this team works with the State of NJ to ensure we are follwing all proper testing procedures.

    Staff Member Email Address Phone Ext. Responsibility
    Rita Jenkins rjenkins@pemb.org (609) 893-8141 ext. 1034 PARCC District Site Coordinator
    Rory Schwemer rschwemer@pemb.org (609) 893-8141 ext. 1092 PARCC Site Testing Coordinator
    Dianne Fanucci dfanucci@pemb.org (609) 893-8141 ext. 1878 PARCC Site Testing Facilitator