• Honors Comprehensive Science: 5 Credits (Level 2)

    This course is designed to fulfill the first year science requirement for college bound students. This course provides a foundation of biology and chemistry to include the fundamentals of biochemistry, ecology and evolution based on the end of course state standardized biology exam. This course serves as a basis for further study in biology and chemistry related advanced college preparatory courses. This course also includes an introduction to the science laboratory.


    The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of:

    • Biology Exploring Life (Ch. 1)
    • The Chemical Basis of Life (Ch. 2)
    • Molecules of Cells (Ch. 3)
    • The Working Cell (Ch. 5)
    • How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy (Ch. 6)
    • Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food (Ch. 7)
    • The Biosphere (Ch. 34)
    • Population Ecology (Ch. 36)
    • Communities and Ecosystems (Ch. 37)
    • Conservation Biology (Ch. 38)


    All materials will be posted on Google Classroom 


    What will I need to be successful in this class?

    • A three ring with Tabs (5)- Do Nows, Notes and Handouts, Labs/Projects/Webquests, Quizzes/Tests, Misc.
    • Plenty of loose-leaf paper and writing utensils.


    How will I be graded?

    • Tests– 40%
      • At the end of each chapter
    • Quizzes – 20%
      • Every couple of weeks, small amount of info
    • Labs/Projects– 25%
      • 1-2 per chapter
    • Homework/ Classwork– 15%
      • At least 3 times a week


    Late Work- NO late work will be accepted.


    Make Up Tests Requirements

    • Must go to ONE tutoring session afterschool, complete the chapter review in the book, and Ch. Test Review handout must be complete.
    • Test MUST be made up no later then one week after it is handed back.


    After an absence:

    • All PowerPoint Notes will be on my teacher website!
    • See me before or after class for missed assignments
      • Extra copies will also be in a binder at the front of the room.
      • You will have as many days as you were absent to make up work.


    Extra Credit

    • Science Superstar Stamps: Complete 5 and your quiz grade will be changed to an A.
      • Summarize any science article and fill out the Science Superstar Article Summary Sheet.
        • You must attach the article to the summary sheet.
      • You can only get 1 SSS a week. Only ONE grade may be changed per marking period.
    • Random extra credit and extra credit assignments are also given on occasion.


    Classroom Rules

    1. Be in your assigned seat, have your materials out and be working on the assigned “Do Now” when the tardy bell rings.
      • Remain in your seat at all times unless you have permission otherwise.
    2. Bring notebook and materials with you to class
      • Unless it is an emergency, no passes will be given to leave class while the teacher is in the middle of a lesson.
    3. You must always raise your hand before speaking- yelling out causes distraction.
    4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
      • You must be on task at all times during class.
    5. No hats, iPods, cell phones, electronics of any kind AND no food or drinks are allowed in class (exception: water).


    *Always treat each person in this room with respect and dignity*

    *Follow all policies and procedures as outlined in the school handbook*



    1. Waring 
    2. 2nd warning OR Seat will be moved.
    3. Parental contact, and lunch detention.
    4. Parental contact, and TWO lunch detentions.
    5. Disciplinary referral.