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- Pre-College Checklist - Seniors
- Pre-College Checklist - Juniors
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Pre-College Checklist for Seniors
August September - Review your career plans and decide which type of school is right for you.
- Visit some college campuses.
- Narrow your college list to 3 - 5 schools.
- Request catalogs and admissions information.
- Contact your high school counselor for registration materials and test dates for SAT and/or the ACT.
- Signup for Educaid's free email CollegeBound Newsletter at
- Go to to review scholarships availavle to you.
- Meet with admissions representatives who are visiting your school.
- Make a list of test names, dates fees, registration deadlines, and of deadlines for college admissions and financial aid applications.
- Remember that you must take tests like the SAT and the ACT at least six weeks before the deadline for scores to be submitted to colleges.
- Begin asking teachers, guidance counselors, and employers for letters of recommendation to include with your admissions and/or scholarship applications.
October November - Take the SAT or ACT exam, if necessary.
- Work on admissions application essays.
- Visit your top school choices.
- Interview some students, faculty and staff.
- Attend special programs such as college fairs and financial aids nights.
- Find out which financial aid applications your college choices require and when the forms are due.
- Some private universities may require that you register for CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE™ at this time. (This determines your qualification for private school aid.)
- Take the SAT or ACT exam, if necessary.
- Obtain financial aid applications from your guidance office or college of choice.
- Read them carefully to determine what information is required and when applications are due.
- Begin preparing your college applications.
- Check with the colleges to find out when materials must be postmarked.
December January - Pick up Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at your high school counseling office or your local library.
- Begin working on it but DO NOT SUBMIT IT BEFORE JANUARY 1st.
- Apply for outside funding or scholarships.
- PARENTS: Save your year-end payroll stub if it shows your earnings for the year. You may need it for financial aid eligibility reviews by schools.
- Submit your completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the processor as soon after January 1st as possible.
- January is Financial Aid Awareness Month. Look for special programs in your area. (in some states)
- PARENTS: It's helpful to get your income tax returns prepared early - school may request them to prove eligibility for financial aid.
February March - Check to see if your mid-year transcripts have been sent to the schools to which you have applied.
- Mail your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), if you have not already done so.
- Research taking Advanced Placement (AP) or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams.
- Rank your finalized list of colleges.
- February is Financial Aid Awareness Month. Look for special programs in your area. (in some states)
- Look for your Student Aid Report (SAR) in the mail. Your SAR contains federal financial aid information.
- Submit SAR and tax forms to the financial aid office if requested.
- Contact each office to make certain that your application is complete.
- Find out what else your need to do to establish and maintain your eligibility for financial aid.
- Keep copies of all forms you submit to the financial aid office.
- If you have not received your Student Aid Report four weeks after sending in your FAFSA, contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at (319) 337-5665
April May - Watch the mail for college acceptance and financial aid award letters.
- Compare the financial aid awards you receive.
- Make your final decision and send in a deposit by the deadline.
- Check with the college you've chosen about details of signing and returning financial aid award letters.
- Notify the other schools that you will not be attending.
- Watch for important deadlines at your chosen college (i.e. housing, etc.)
- Take Advanced Placement (AP) examinations that are given in high schools nationwide.
- If you need and are eligible for a student or parent loan, call Educaid at 1-877-318-2368 for a loan application.
- Finalize your summer school or summer job plans.
June - Enjoy Graduation !!!!!!
- Enjoy the Summer!!!!!!
- If you are living on campus obtain the necessary items for dorm living:
- Toiletries (towels, washcloths, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.)
- Pens, pencils, notebooks
- Sheets, pillows, blankets
- Utensils (forks, spoons, knives, etc.)
- Plates, bowls, cooking utensils, etc.
- Microwave and/or refrigerator
- Alarm clock
- First Aid Kit (Band-Aids, bandages, aspirin, Pepto Bismol, etc.)
- Tool kit (screw driver, hammer, pliers, wrench, etc.)
- Luggage (suitcases, footlocker, etc.)
- Laundry detergent
- Hamper (or laundry bag)
- If you are living on campus and you know your roommate(s) make contact with them and divide the dorm necessities between you (i.e. who will bring a refrigerator, a microwave, a TV, a stereo, etc.)