Forms can be found online or picked up at our office.
    Please look in our Resources section for all important forms.
    Asthma Treatment Plans and Anaphylaxis Forms

    Students with asthma or serious allergic reactions are required by state law to have action plans completed every school year. If these forms are not returned, your child will not be able to participate in any after-school activities, sports, clubs, or field trips.


    New Jersey state law mandates that the school doctor must check all sports physicals and sign the physical form prior to any student's participation in after-school sports. No student will be allowed to participate in any after-school sports (including tryouts and practice) until the school physician has signed the student’s physical exam form. It is imperative that all paperwork is completed and returned in a timely manner to ensure approval and eligibility for sports participation. Make sure all "yes" answers are explained on the History Form. New for athletic physicals this year is the Cardiac Clearance located on the bottom of the Clearance Form. Your physician must sign and stamp the form in the appropriate places.

    Athletic Update

    A Seasonal Update for Athletics must be completed every 90 days or prior to a new seasonal sport (fall, winter, spring) per state law. The update informs us if your child has had any medical problems since his or her last physical.

    Emergency Information Verification Form

    Your child should have two copies of their emergency card, one pink and one blue, that should be completed and returned to school. We need these forms for emergency contact information and medication administration approval for generic Tylenol and Motrin that can be given in our office. Please review to make sure all information is correct and signatures are completed where needed.