• computer All candidates for certified and classified (non-certified) employment must complete an online application.

    Please click here to go to the site where job openings and the applications are located.

    A letter of interest, resume, copies of transcripts, NJ certification, PRAXIS scores, and other applicable paperwork must be provided at the time of the interview. Candidates that do not have access to a computer may come to Pemberton Township Board of Education Central Office Administration Building, One Egbert St., Pemberton, NJ 08060 to complete the online application. Please call 609-893-8141 Ext. 1021 for an appointment.

    All vacancies are posted on our website, at the Central Administration Building, all schools, NJ Hire and local TV station Channel 19. Applications must be submitted on or before 11:00 p.m. on the closing date to be considered. Do not e-mail or mail in applications.

    After an application is received, it is screened for meeting preferred criteria and appropriate certifications. It is then forwarded to the school principal and/or administrator where the vacancy exists. Due to the volume of applications received, status checks can not be conducted. Upon submittal, an e-mail will be generated informing you that it has been received and will be processed. Once a vacancy is filled, an e-mail will be sent to all applicants who were not hired. All applications are archived. To activate your candidacy for additional vacancies, please log in to the posting site to reapply using your original user name and password. Your original application will appear. You may update your application as needed at anytime.

    Teaching certification in New Jersey information.

    Substitute Positions
    Substitute position(s) information. You can also visit our Human Resources Department Office to pick up the substitute packet.

    Bus Driver Positions
    If you are interested in any positions in transportation, i.e. bus driving, you need to apply at the Transportation Office at 150 Juliustown Road, Browns Mills, NJ 08015 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm or call 609-893-1963 for information.

Contact Information

  • Jill Crum, Secretary to the Director of Human Resources, 
    (609) 893-8141, ext. 1021  jcrum@pemb.org

    Human Resources Fax: