School Security
The safety and security of students and staff is a matter of the highest priority at Pemberton Township Schools. We take the responsibility to protect our children very seriously and employ the latest strategies and technology to ensure their safety.
Every school building is outfitted with one of the most up-to-date and cutting edge security systems available. Visitor access to our schools is strictly monitored and entry procedures stringently adhered to. In addition, school security monitors are present in every school building, patrolling halls and grounds, assisting with visitation, and making sure all security protocols are followed. All buildings have strategically placed security cameras to aid in surveillance and theft prevention.
Staff throughout the district are provided with the most up-to-date safety training available in the state of New Jersey, and students are instructed in safety and emergency drills.
Parents and visitors are encouraged to contact the security department with any questions or concerns they may have. As always, our goal remains to provide a safe, secure environment for all our students and staff.
Contact Information
Security Chief
Joseph Bowen
609-893-8141 Ext. 1008
jbowen@pemb.orgAssistant Security Chief
Anthony Duckett
609-893-8141 Ext. 1064
aduckett@pemb.orgSecurity Systems Engineer
Walter Kenney
609-893-8141 Ext. 1147
wkenney@pemb.orgSecretary to the Security Chief
Pamela Hughes
609-893-8141 Ext. 1008