• Please Don’t Go! Separation Anxiety and Children

    It is often hard for a parent or other loved one to leave a young child who cries and clings. The child is experiencing separation anxiety. Children may not understand when loved ones will be back. These situations can be upsetting to the loved ones who have to leave—as well as to the child. Here are some things to remember about separation anxiety.

    Read more at: http://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/sepanxiety.htm


    The Curious Child

    “Where did Navy Pier come from?” “Why do we have to wear seat belts?”

    Do you know a child who is full of questions? Young children are naturally curious. They believe parents, caregivers, and teachers know a lot about the world. Asking questions and listening to answers are vital to their learning. The way you respond can affect what and how a child learns.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/curiouschild/


    Fun at Home with Preschoolers: Let’s Measure!

    Your preschool-age child hears you talk about miles, inches, pounds, liters, acres, and minutes. He sees you measuring things. He may wonder how tall he is or how long he can stand on one foot. Here are some home activities that can help your child learn basic measurement concepts.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/fun-measure/


    Understanding and Accepting Differences: Why Can’t Maria Walk?

    All children can benefit when those with special needs are included in classrooms and activities. Teachers and parents can use these suggestions to foster understanding between children who have disabilities and those who do not.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/accept-disabilities/


    It Takes Money: Economics for Preschoolers

    Many preschoolers are aware that “it takes money” to do many things in life, though they do not fully understand money’s values and uses. Here are some ways to help 4- and 5-year-olds begin learning how people trade money for things they need and want.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/money/


    Sorting, Classifying, and Organizing

    Sorting and organizing things into sets and groups is an important math skill for young children to develop. Have fun exploring your world while you practice these skills. Children can classify objects, ideas, sounds, smells, or flavors into groups of like items.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/k-sort.pdf


    Fight Germs! Wash Your Hands!

    Washing your hands often and well is an easy way to help prevent the spread of many infections, including the common cold.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/handwashing/


    Encouraging Words

    Encouragement can help children feel good about themselves and develop self-confidence. Praise can be overdone and cause children to be overly dependent on adult approval. Helpful words show appreciation and excitement without sounding like empty praise. Encouraging words invite children to recognize that they are responsible for their efforts. Here are some tips on encouraging your child.

    Read more at: https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/encouragingwords/