About Us

  • Pemberton Township High School Hall of Fame

    The Hall of Fame was established in 1996 and the charter inductees numbered 27.  Of the original group, three were inducted posthumously and one has since died. The charter inductees met during 1996-97 and established a Constitution and Bylaws to govern the group. The purpose of the Hall of Fame is "to maintain a positive image for the community and its neighbors; recognize the responsibility to offer support; life experiences; and direction to the students of the school community; strive to improve the quality of life for students through a partnership with the school community; recognize and honor the accomplishments of Pemberton Township graduates, while instilling a sense of pride in the community, in order for students to understand that they too can succeed."

    Those eligible for membership are any graduates of Pemberton High School or Pemberton Township High School, any honorary member as recognized by the Hall of Fame, or persons who attended either school. Criteria for membership requires that the nominee shall have been out of school a minimum of ten years, a minimum of half of the nominees shall live in the tri-state area, and the nominees shall have demonstrated leadership, community service, and commitment to furthering basic human values.

    The Charter Members of the Hall of Fame are Eric Allen, N. Henry Anteola, Craig Augustoni, Craig Colby, Mike Colby, Vicky Dugan, Nancy Eaton, Scott England, Walter Fort, John Gillespie, Fred Gower, Stan Gregory, Russell Hann, Karen Humphries Dvorschak, Willette Jones, Dianne Lewis, Glenn Malsbury, Robert Moore, Judy Olsen, Eugenio Ortiz, Bruce Sung Ho Paek, Mayonna Renna, Harry Taylor, Norma Thompson-Ward, Paul Tuliano, Jr.; Jeffery Washington, and Cheryl Zoppina.

Hall of Fame Officers

  • Jeffrey Wilson, President

    Christine Haines, Recording Secretary

    Diane Emerson, Corresponding Secretary

    Kelly Kellner-Weaver, Treasurer

    Donald Bada, Director

Contact Information

  • PTHS Hall of Fame
    Post Office Box 57
    Pemberton, New Jersey 08068
    phone: (609) 894-4181
    fax: (609) 726-9087 
    Via Email