For bus pick-up times on delayed openings, add 2 hours to normal pick-up time.
Pemberton Township Schools uses multiple channels of communication to alert parents, students and employees to weather-related delayed openings and school closings. One very efficient resource the district uses is the Blackboard Connect System to alert parents with pre-recorded telephone calls during early morning hours; when circumstances permit, calls will go out the prior evening.
School closings, delayed openings, or changes in our regular schedule will also be sent via social media, the district’s website and posted on the district’s cable access Channel 19. In addition, we contact radio and television stations servicing our viewing and listening area.
By using a variety of tools, we can be reasonably certain that every family will have access to school closing/delayed opening information.
How are school closing decisions made?
We are aware of the hardship that a delayed opening or school closing may have on families. The following explains how school closing decisions are made and the methods we use to communicate in those situations.
The decision to open or close schools in inclement weather where travel may be deemed unsafe is based on a careful analysis of all relevant factors, including:
· Above all, road conditions in the Pemberton area.
· The amount of accumulated snow and ice and whether precipitation is expected to continue.
· Building conditions; e.g., do we have electricity and heat?
· Parking lot and sidewalk conditions.
· School closing decisions by other districts in the area.
· Information gathered from the Pemberton Township Emergency Management, Joint Base Emergency Management, county, and weather services.
Who makes the decision?
The superintendent of schools makes the final decision based on the factors above and recommendations from our administrative staff.
When is the decision made?
The decision is made by 5:15 am or earlier in order to alert everyone in a timely manner. (Including staff who have to travel a significant distance to school.) The information is immediately posted on our website, social media and Channel 19, and we advise radio and TV stations.