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Child Study Team
Phone: (609) 893-8141 ext. 1054
Parents of classified students also become integral and contributing members of the team. The Child Study Team is an important part of our school. If a student is having difficulty and needs special help, it is the Child Study Team that will often provide it.
When a child is initially classified, there are several tests completed to help determine what is the best program for the student. A meeting is then held to discuss the findings with the parents. The child will be classified as not eligible for special education, eligible for special education, or eligible for speech therapy. This evaluation is good for three years. Once the student is considered eligible for special education, the child will be either placed in a special education class or placed in a classroom with teaching support that will help him/her to achieve, or the child may be sent to a school other than Pemberton Township which can best meet the needs of the student.
Every year, a review of the IEP will be held to determine what goals the child should be working on and any progress that has been made during the previous year. After three years, the child is retested and re-evaluated to determine if the child is still eligible for special education services. This will probably include psychological, learning style and cognitive testing, and any other tests or evaluations, such as a neurological exam or psychiatric review, which will help in deciding the best placement for the student.
Upon reaching the age of 14, a child who is declared eligible for special education will have a transition plan written. This is a plan where the parents, the student, and other child study team members discuss what the child is interested in doing after graduation, and what the school district will need to provide to help the child reach that goal.