Character Education
As educators, we try to make our mark on the everyday lives of our students not only through academics, but also through character and leadership. We love our students at Newcomb Middle School and by watching this video, you will understand that students leave their marks on their educators as well. We have challenged our staff to choose students who are the reasons why they come to school each day and how the power of positivity can be contagious. You will smile and may even shed a tear or two (so make sure you have a tissue handy) when you watch this video. To all of the educators out there, thank you for all that you do each and every day and challenge yourself to take a minute to tell the student who makes a mark on your life and keeps you going each day how they impact your life.
Enjoy Newcomb Middle School’s Positivity Challenge Character Video.Sincerely,Ashley WalulakNew Jersey School of Character
Marcus Newcomb Middle School is proud to announce that we have officially received the designation of State School of Character by Helen A. Fort/ Marcus Newcomb Middle School is 1 of 24 New Jersey schools to receive this powerful distinction. Schools of Character prove that when school communities come together for a common purpose, amazing things happen. Schools of Character work—for kids, parents, and communities. Staff and students at the Middle School will continue to work toward fostering kindness through respect and responsibility and are honored to be named a State School of Character.