Phone: 609-893-8141 x4000
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Elementary Education from The College of New Jersey
Mrs. Wendy Jerome
Hello! I am a fourth grade teacher at Samuel T. Busansky School. This is my 23rd year as a teacher at Busansky and my 20th year teaching fourth grade. I have also taught preschool, first and third grades before coming to fourth grade. I am a graduate of The College of New Jersey with a B.S. in Elementary Education and a minor in English. I am originally from Hopewell Township, Mercer County, but I currently live in Pemberton Borough with my husband and our two children, who also attend Pemberton Schools. I love what I do and I love my school! I'm excited about the possibilities this coming year brings.
This year we are continuing our focus on the core values of SERVICE, PERSEVERANCE, INTEGRITY, RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY in our classroom and our school. I am very excited to be a part of the Character Education Team that helped develop and implement this important program. In our classroom we are a team and we "Learn Like a Champion", a motto we adopt at the beginning of the year and which guides our behavior, attitude and learning in our classroom. Our school theme this year is "GROW FOR IT!" We encourage each student to try to do their best academically and model our core values all day everyday.
In addition to being a teacher in the classroom, I also serve on the Character Education Team, Cultural Competency Committee and the Literacy Committee in our school.
The involvement of my students' families in their education is very important. I welcome you to e-mail, send a message through Class Dojo or call (609-893-8141 ext.1322) with any questions or concerns. Please don't ever hesitate to reach out. The days are very busy, but I will respond to you as soon as I am able. If the matter is urgent, please contact the main office, as I may not be able to respond to messages until the end of the school day.
I am looking forward to a fantastic 4th grade year with your children!