Phone: 983-8141


Degrees and Certifications:

BA:Elementary Education Kindergarten thru 8th Grade. Nursery School Certificate P-3 Certification Masters: Elementary & Early Childhood Education

Mrs. Teresa Hartner



My name is Mrs. Teresa Hartner. This is my 20th  year teaching here at Fort Dix.  I am delighted to be part of such a positive and caring school. It is both an honor and a privilege to work with our military families.

I hold a BA in Elementary Education, a P-3 Certification, and a Master’s Degree in both Elementary and Early Childhood Education. I attended Rowan University (formerly called Glassboro State) for my BA degree and later went back to earn my Master’s Degrees. Over the years I have taught a variety of grades from preschool to third grade.

I have lived my whole life in New Jersey.  My husband and I have raised three beautiful adult children, one girl, and two boys. My boys are married with children of their own. My daughter will be married next year. 

            I love teaching the youngest children here at Fort Dix. I especially enjoy all the exploring, learning, and fun we get to have in preschool but more than anything, it is the success of every child I have had the privilege to teach that makes my job such a rewarding one.

I look forward to many more years of teaching the students of Fort Dix Elementary School.


“The greatest natural resource we have is the minds of our children.”                                                        

-Walt Disney