Phone: 609-722-7204 ext. 1750
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, Master’s Degree in Reading
Mrs. Macey
My name is Beth Macey. I am excited to welcome you to our classroom! I can not wait to start learning and growing together. This year your child will build a strong academic foundation, gain important social/emotional skills, and have fun developing a life-long love of learning.
All About Me
I have been teaching for 12 years. I have my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education, and my master's degree in Reading. I believe that all children can learn and be successful! I have three young children; Christopher (5), William (4), and Evelyn (2). My husband and I love to spend time with our children outdoors exploring nature, doing science experiments, and our all-time favorite game is pretending to be pirates. I love to bring fun and movement into classroom learning. Our classroom environment is warm, fun, loving, and founded on mutual respect and collaborative team-work. Kindergarten is fun!
Contact Details
It is extremely important to me that families feel that they are a part of our classroom, and comfortable communicating with me. A bridge between home and school is extremely important! I will have a class Dojo page where I will share classroom and individual achievements through pictures and messages. Dojo is a quick and easy way to message me. I can also be reached through email emacey@pemb.org .The more communication the better! I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!