Nurses Corner

    • Nurse

      One of the problems most often confronting school-age children occurs when a child complains of not feeling well on a school day. A decision must be made as to whether or not the child goes to school. What do you do? How do you make the right decision? You don't want to keep him home sick if he's not sick, but you don't want to send a sick child to school. Some guidelines to consider at times like this are:

      FEVER: Fever is a warning that all is not right with the body. No child with a temperature of 100 or more should go to school. DO NOT SEND THE CHILD TO SCHOOL UNTIL HE HAS BEEN FREE OF FEVER FOR 24 HOURS WITHOUT THE HELP OF MEDICINE.

      COMMON COLD: Children with heavy cold symptoms and hacking coughs should remain at home.

      SORE THROAT: A child with a sore throat but without other symptoms may attend school, but if white spots can be seen or fever is present, keep the child home and contact your doctor.

      RASHES: Do not send a child to school if they have a rash unless your doctor indicates it is safe to do so.

      VOMITING AND DIARRHEA: Keep home and consult your doctor if the stomach ache persists or it is severe.

      TOOTHACHE: Seek doctor's advice as soon as possible.

      EARACHE: Contact your doctor without delay.

      HEADACHE: If there are no other symptoms, the child usually need not stay home.

      PEDICULOSIS (LICE): The presence of lice infestation is easily recognized. Intense itching of the scalp is usually the primary complaint. Upon examination of the hair, nits (eggs) can become firmly attached to the hair shaft about 1/2 inch from the scalp. Gray insect-like parasites may be seen. STUDENTS CAN RETURN TO SCHOOL WHEN ALL EVIDENCE OF LICE AND NITS IS GONE.

      REMINDER: Please do not send cough drops to school with your child. They are considered medication and may not be taken in school without a note from the doctor.

      Due to limited resources and very limited space, it’s important for you to keep your sick child at home. We’ll work with you by keeping your healthy child in school and calling you only when we feel it is necessary for you to know of an injury or for your child to be sent home. Please review the Student Handbook – Health Section and it should be able to answer any questions you may have concerning medical issues at school.

      Please remember to update your emergency phone number as changes occur.  Send in new phone numbers and contact information with your child. Any students with asthma, food allergies, or bee sting allergies need to submit medical paperwork for the current school year. 

      Important Medical Forms & Information

      Emergency Verification Form

      Universal Child Health Record

      Request for Medication Administration


      Food Allergy

      Sports Related Eye Injuiry

      Asthma Treatment Plan

      The Flu Guide for Parents

      Please contact your child's school nurse if needed for detailed explanation of all medical forms and school health services and regulations.

      Mrs. Nicole Gomba, R.N.,B.S.N.,C.S.N.
      Samuel T. Busansky Elementary School Nurse
      (609)893-8141 ext:4002